The highlight of every service!
Sunday School program
Classes for both kids and adults. The adult class is right now going through the book of Genesis! A new converts' class is offered periodically as well.
Children's Classes
are held during every service except the Sunday evening worship service, when families are encouraged to worship together. Parents who so desire may keep their children sitting with them rather than place them in the nursery or children's class.
Traditional, Christ-honoring music
This is the only music used in every service and any outreach activity. Our church choir practices weekly before the Sunday night service, to render a musical offering that is well-pleasing to the Lord. All special music must also meet the same high standards and be free from worldly influences, that it might be holy and acceptable to Christ.
Our Nursery
Cornerstone has both an infant and a toddler room, and is available for every service.
We have frequent fellowship times
These include potlucks, restaurant outings, home fellowships, ladies' fellowships, and game nights!
Community Outreach
We call our community outreach program "Second Saturday Soulwinning," where we take the Gospel into the "highways and hedges and compel them to come in," both to Christ for salvation and that "God's house may be full" (Luke 14:23).
Church Pantry
We maintain a church pantry, that we may also have food to give to the needy, and a missions closet, that likewise we may offer good quality (though perhaps slightly used) clothing both to missionaries and anyone who needs it.